Tuesday, January 1, 2008

year in review

Yes its 2008. I am feeling good about it, I've always liked even numbered years better anyway.

Well 2008 calls for an update of photos taken throughout the past couple of months. Here's to another year full of peace and good times.

Thanksgiving 2007:Sikasso, Mali

Mary Virginia, our baking queen

yes, the food was that good

Sikassokaw with Brahma

World AIDS Day 2007: Sikasso, Mali
HIV/AIDS information fair and basketball tournament

Peace Corps vs SOS SIDA members

Hanging out with Camara

The teams ready to play some ball

Turning 24 in Mali, one of my best birthdays to date

Myself with the new pup

Toh--the best birthday cake ever!

With Diane, my counterpart

A group pic with the birthday crew

Myself with Katie, my sitemate

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